This article provides you with answers to all premium- and fee-related questions you might have about the services offered by Bitpanda. For a detailed overview about our limits as well as deposit and withdrawal fees, please refer to our Limits page.
- What premiums can I expect on Bitpanda?
- Which information is displayed in the charts and wallets on Bitpanda?
- What information is displayed on the Bitpanda dashboard?
- What is Bitpanda Swap and what are the advantages?
- What are the spreads for Bitpanda Stocks and ETFs?
- What are the fees and premiums for precious metals?
- Which fiat currencies can I deposit on Bitpanda?
- What is the transaction fee or miner fee?
1. What premiums can I expect on Bitpanda?
Opening and maintaining a Bitpanda account is 100% free of charge. The premiums for buying and selling Bitcoin on Bitpanda are 1.49%.
On Bitpanda, all premiums for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies and digital assets are already included in the offered prices. The prices are constantly updated in real-time. To avoid confusion, this means you will always receive the exact amount of coins or fiat that is shown on the order confirmation page.
Price-tracking websites such as CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko, for example, take the price of several marketplaces and calculate the average price. Some websites use the price of the most recent trade and some use the average of the highest bid and the lowest offer. As a consequence, the price displayed on these sites can differ from the prices on actual markets and from the prices displayed on our platform.
Note: SEPA transactions for fiat deposits and withdrawals are free of charge.
For more detailed information on our fees, visit the Bitpanda fee structure page.
2. Which information is displayed in the charts and wallets on Bitpanda?
The price you see in the chart is not the buy or sell price. You can see the latest buy or sell price by clicking the Buy or Sell button and then clicking on Go to Summary. This price is valid for 60 seconds (or 17 seconds for stocks and ETFs or 10 seconds, in case of a trade with BEST or Pantos (PAN)). Please take a look at our terms and conditions (Section 4) to clearly understand the difference between chart price and buy or sell price.
After a purchase, the current fiat value of the respective cryptocurrency is displayed in your wallet. This amount reflects the current price of the cryptocurrency. The selling price of a cryptocurrency (including premiums) will be displayed before completing a trade. The difference between buying and selling price is called spread.
3. What information is displayed on the Bitpanda dashboard?
The chart shown on the dashboard displays all transactions made on the account, in addition to the value of each wallet. This includes any deposits, withdrawals, swaps, buys and sells. Therefore, the value of the portfolio shown on the dashboard is not only influenced by price fluctuations, but also any action influencing any given wallet balance.
4. What is Bitpanda Swap and what are the advantages?
Bitpanda Swap allows you to instantly swap any supported cryptocurrency on Bitpanda to any other supported coin or token on our platform. When swapping between two cryptocurrencies via Bitpanda Swap, you pay less in premiums than if you were to trade cryptocurrencies on our platform.
All premiums for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies are already included in the offered prices. The prices are constantly updated in real-time. To avoid confusion, this means you will always receive the exact amount of coins shown on the order confirmation page.
5. What are the spreads for Bitpanda Stocks and ETFs?
Bitpanda Stocks enables you to make fractional investments. To allow for this, Bitpanda issues a derivative contract which is backed by the underlying stock or ETF. You can read more about this here.
For stocks and ETFs, we do not charge any regular deposit fees, commissions, overnight fees, minimum fees or other costs involved that you might have seen with banks or other providers. However, the spread (difference between the “Bid” and “Ask” prices) is adjusted based on your trading amount, the current market situation and the price adjustments described in the cost transparency documents.
You can find detailed information on the pricing structure in the derivative contract and the prospectus.
6. What are the fees and premiums for precious metals?
At Bitpanda, there are no fees for holding the assets and storing the physical metals.
For buying gold, you pay a premium of 0.5% of the amount you buy, and 1% of the amount you sell.
For silver, you pay a premium of 2.5% for buying and 2% for selling.
For platinum, you pay a premium of 2.5% for buying and 2% for selling.
For palladium, you pay a premium of 2.2% for buying and 1.8% for selling.
7. Which fiat currencies can I deposit on Bitpanda?
We offer fiat deposits in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, TRY, PLN, HUF, CZK, DKK and SEK with which you can then purchase cryptocurrencies on Bitpanda. If you want to deposit a non-supported currency, exchange fees may apply depending on the respective providers. These fees are not charged by us and are not included in our prices. Please inform yourself via the respective provider. Click here for an overview of our deposit limits.
8. What is the transaction fee or miner fee?
The transaction fee is paid to the miners who secure the network and process transactions for new blocks on the blockchain. The transaction fees on the blockchain networks do not depend on the amount of coins transferred. However, on certain blockchains, these fees vary according to the traffic on the network.
On the Ethereum and Bitcoin network, low fees during periods when the traffic is high may result in delays that can be very long. For this reason, we dynamically adjust the fee depending on the congestion on the network. Keep in mind that Ethereum fees apply not only to ETH and ETC but to all ERC20 tokens as well.
Note: Please note that Bitpanda does not make earnings from these withdrawal fees. They are used solely to pay the network to process your transaction. In addition, we use techniques such as Segregated Witness or transaction batching to further reduce fees for our users.
Learn more about transaction fees in this article and at our Bitpanda Academy. If you seek more information specifically about Bitcoin transactions and how Bitcoin transaction fees are determined, we thought it might be helpful to share this external link with you.
Note: External links are provided for your convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation by Bitpanda of any of the products, services or opinions of these third parties. Bitpanda bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of any subsequent links. Please contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
For more detailed information on our fees, visit the Bitpanda fee structure page.