- Invest into fractions
You are not limited to full stocks, but could invest in 0.0068 stocks, for example - Enjoy 24/7-availability
Even if the stock exchanges are closed, you can still buy and sell securities. For possible exemptions, please see the prospectus - Use the Swap feature
You can easily swap your stocks and ETFs to metals or cryptocurrencies on Bitpanda - Benefit from an advantageous cost structure
With Bitpanda Stocks, there are no regular deposit fees, commissions, basic fees or other costs as you might expect from banks. You only pay a Bitpanda spread, which varies depending on the amount invested and the time of day. External fees for dividend payments may also apply. We try to keep the costs as low as possible - Gain full transparency through the PRIIPs document
This is a special document showing risk scenarios, ROI (return on investment), costs and other information for every single stock and ETF. Usually, these documents are not created for stocks or ETFs
Please bear in mind that fractional investing through Bitpanda’s derivative contract can potentially bear higher risks:
- You don’t buy the underlying asset directly, but a derivative contract from Bitpanda. Therefore, risk arises not just from the underlying, but also from the contract-issuing party (Bitpanda). We counteract this with the pledge agreement, however there are residual risks to be considered. Please see the prospectus for more details
- The product is more complex than a typical stock or ETF
- Although you receive dividend payments or other potential advantages from corporate actions, you will not have any voting rights. Furthermore, all your claims (e.g. dividends) are only valid against Bitpanda and not against other third parties (issuing party, depositary bank etc.)
Keep in mind
Bitpanda Stocks enables you to make fractional investments. To allow for this, Bitpanda issues a derivative contract which is backed by the underlying stock or ETF. You can read more about this here.