If a cryptocurrency is in trade-only mode, it means it is currently only available for purchase and sale on Bitpanda. In such cases, we store the coins for our users to enable the option of trading despite full wallet service (sending and receiving of coins) not being available for the respective cryptocurrency at the moment.
Note: Some coins might be set to trade-only mode temporarily because of maintenance or technical issues. Please see our status page for updates. To be notified about updates, click on Subscribe to updates on our status page and select the relevant topics you would like to be notified about.
You will be asked to accept the terms when you are buying a cryptocurrency in trade-only mode:
Once all the wallet features, such as sending and receiving, are available, we will announce this. When exactly that will happen depends on the final testing to ensure security and functionality.
The following procedure will also stay the same for additionally added cryptocurrencies:
- First we offer a trade only wallet, with which our users can buy and sell
- Later a fully functional wallet will be available
This plan allows us to add new cryptocurrencies fast, while offering the same flexibility and features as you already know from our existing ones later.
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