Bitpanda Telegram group


Note: There are currently impostors in our Telegram group pretending to be official admins. We will never contact you or reply to any direct messages. Therefore, please be wary if someone impersonating a Bitpanda staff member reaches out to you, without you initiating the conversation first. Please take a look at the list of all official Bitpanda admins.

Rules and infos

  • Be nice to each other and talk about things related to Bitpanda
  • Promoting other brokers, exchanges, ICOs, projects or ref links will result in a ban
  • Posting fake prices/price charts will result in a ban
  • Do not post personal information and documents
  • Bitpanda employees will never contact you via direct messages
  • For support questions, please read our Helpdesk

Note: Before you are able to chat in this group you have to finish a short quiz by the Bitpanda Community bot. This quiz helps protect the group from scammers and spamming. After you have completed it you are able to chat in all official Bitpanda Telegram groups. 

Official admins

If you are using Telegram, then it is important that you know who the real Bitpanda employees are.

You can recognize official Bitpanda staff members by the grey "admin" phrase on the right side of their name.


You can also check the bio and the so-called "handle" (@clemens_bitpanda) by clicking on the user's icon.


Currently, the official admins are:

  • @max_pantos
  • @eda_bitpanda
  • @flo_bitpanda
  • @christian_bitpanda
  • @phoebe_bitpanda
  • @sebastien_bitpanda
  • @mara_bitpanda
  • @tony_bitpanda
  • @kim_bitpanda
  • @federico_bitpanda

There may be other admins, but they are not in charge of support.

How to spot scams on Telegram

In Telegram, you will see a “SCAM” tag next to the user's name if that user has already been reported:


Note: Accounts without the “SCAM” tag next to the user’s name may still be scammer accounts that just have not been reported yet.

Keep in mind that we do not offer account-related support on Telegram. We also do not have a dedicated Bitpanda Support or Bitpanda Helpdesk Telegram group. Should you come across such an account or group, it is 100% a scam and we would appreciate it if you report it as described below.

Reporting scammers on Telegram

To report scammers on Telegram, please make use of Telegram’s integrated report function called “Antiscam”.


To report scammers on Telegram via “Antiscam”, please follow these steps:

Desktop Mobile
  1. Right-click on the message you want to report
  2. Click on Forward message
  3. Choose a recipient by searching for Antiscam (@notoscam)
  4. You can add a message describing the issue in further detail, then click on send

Official moderators

You can recognize moderators by the grey "Moderator" phrase on the right side of their name.

Moderators support the community by answering questions and providing assistance. They are not official Bitpanda employees, but active members of the community who would like to support us with their help. If you also want to become a moderator, please contact us via our contact form. Be as active as possible in the community and help other members by answering questions.

Currently the official moderators are:

  • @marcel_pantos
  • @p_h_i_l
  • @IxeYgrek
  • @deletespam
  • @bertolomaeus
  • @Der1Wolf
  • @GiazFav
  • @chris40001
  • @LloydZX
  • @Golgoin
  • @harald_h
  • @GalsonTele
  • @Lukestorm1
  • @Antje0172

Official Telegram groups

Note: Please note that admins will not comment on things like new products, additional coins/tokens or exact release dates if they have not yet been officially announced.


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Pantos Official (German)
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