Cryptocurrencies can only be exchanged into the given currencies. We are currently offering trading in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, TRY, PLN, HUF, CZK, DKK and SEK. When using payment providers such as NETELLER or Skrill, other national currencies may be used to trade on Bitpanda - for an appropriate fee charged by the payment providers. These currencies are automatically changed to one of the accepted currencies.
Change default currency
In order to change the default currency, please follow these steps:
- Click on your User Icon in the upper right corner
- Click on My account
- Choose your preferred currency at Default currency
- Tap on the Profile button
- Tap on My account
- Choose your preferred currency at Settings
- Tap on the Profile button
- Tap on your User Icon
- Choose your preferred currency at Default currency
Here you can change the currency. After you have done this, all prices will be displayed in the desired currency.
Tip: It is still possible to pay with other currencies offered on our platform without changing the default settings again.
For more information, these articles may be helpful: