Status page subscription

Our status page gives you an overview of all incidents on Bitpanda, such as when a coin is taken out of maintenance or out of trade-only mode.

If you do not wish to check the status page regularly, but would prefer to be notified about updates via email, you can find out how to subscribe to receive these updates below. 

Please note that the status page is currently only available in English.

How to subscribe

  1. Go to our status page and click on Subscribe to updates
  2. Enter a valid email address that you wish to have updates sent to and click on Subscribe/edit subscription
  3. You will receive a confirmation email. Check your email inbox and confirm your subscription
  4. You will be redirected to our status page again

How to edit your subscription

  1. Go to our status page and click on Subscribe to updates
  2. Enter the email you have subscribed with and click on Subscribe/edit subscription
  3. Select the topics you would like to be notified about
  4. Click on Save

Tip: When you subscribe, you will be subscribed to all topics by default. Click on Select none to uncheck all the boxes.