Bitpanda Commodities is a simple and innovative way to participate in the price movements of commodities* without all the financial complexity. You can now invest in your preferred commodities*, any time you want.
Available assets
Our current portfolio of available assets can be found here.
Tip: Please note that Bitpanda Commodities are only available on the Bitpanda Platform and not on Bitpanda Pro.
How it works
- Bitpanda purchases the underlying ETCs through partner exchanges
- Our custody bank partners hold the ETC for safekeeping
- Customers invest in fractions of the ETCs via derivatives
The prospectus, including further details on this product, the issuer and the relevant risks can be found here in German (audited version) and English. Please be aware that only the offer in Austria is governed by this prospectus.
Who can invest
Anyone with residence in a European country can invest in ETCs on Bitpanda. Users residing in Switzerland are unfortunately unable to invest in Bitpanda Commodities at the moment.
Since it’s possible that your investments can generate income and capital gains, there might be tax implications that you should be aware of. These implications depend on the tax rules of your home country, i.e. the country in which you are considered a resident for tax purposes. It is your responsibility to understand how to declare and pay taxes. You can find a general guideline on this topic here.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to all your questions in the Bitpanda Commodities FAQ.
Keep in mind
You invest in the actual underlying Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) through derivative contracts - and Bitpanda holds 100% of the underlying ETCs. Each derivative contract is always worth as much as the respective ETC.
*Commodities are the underlying Exchange Traded Commodities of the contracts offered as Bitpanda Commodities and are brought to you by Bitpanda Financial Services GmbH. More information about the product and the PRIIPs KIDs are available at