What taxes do I have to pay when using Bitpanda Cash Plus?

If you invest your money in Bitpanda Cash Plus, you may have to pay taxes on your returns.

The taxes you may have to pay depend on the following aspects:

  • The tax laws in the countries where you are tax resident.
  • How much money you have gained or lost across all your investments?

In many countries, you will have to pay capital gains tax, income tax or other taxes. Since the rules vary depending on where you live and where you are tax resident, you should check the requirements of your local tax authority.

Where can I find my taxable income generated with Bitpanda Cash Plus?  

You can see and download all your Bitpanda Cash Plus yield payouts in your transaction overview.

On web.bitpanda.com you can find your transactions under your profile:

  • Select the menu item My account
  • Select History
  • Click on Export

An API connection is also available. Currently, only your transactions are listed in the transaction history. We are working on improving this report in the future to determine the total annual profit or loss and simplify your tax return.

Bitpanda Cash Plus in Germany

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

For private investors, the German withholding tax rate on capital gains should be 25% plus an additional solidarity surcharge of 5.5%, for a total of 26.375%. 

Realised gains/losses from Bitpanda Cash Plus arise from:

  • Monthly payouts of Bitpanda Cash Plus yields

Bitpanda Cash Plus in Switzerland

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

In Switzerland, the income should generally be considered taxable income and taxed at your progressive income tax rate, depending on the canton in which you are tax resident.

Realised gains/losses from Bitpanda Cash Plus arise from:

  • Monthly payouts of Bitpanda Cash Plus yields

Bitpanda Cash Plus in Austria

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

If you are tax resident in Austria, the income from Bitpanda Cash Plus should be taxable as income from capital assets at your progressive income tax rate.

Realised gains/losses from Bitpanda Cash Plus arise from:

  • Monthly payouts of Bitpanda Cash Plus yields

Bitpanda Cash Plus in France

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

On the earnings from Bitpanda Cash Plus, 12.8% tax and 17.2% social security contributions should be payable - a total of 30%. In principle, the option of progressive income taxation should exist.

Bitpanda Cash Plus in Spain

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

The taxes you may incur should depend on the region in which you are tax resident and your income level.

Taxable income from Bitpanda Cash Plus should be subject to progressive taxation in Spain (progressive tax rate of 19% - 45%).

Bitpanda Cash Plus in the UK

This guide is not a substitute for the advice of a tax advisor. Bitpanda cannot give you advice on your personal tax situation.

In the UK, income from Bitpanda Cash Plus should be taxable. The tax rate should depend on your income level.

Realised gains/losses from Bitpanda Cash Plus arise from:

  • Monthly payouts of Bitpanda Cash Plus yields

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as, tax or legal advice. Please contact your personal tax advisor before activating Bitpanda Cash Plus.