Bitpanda Fusion

Bitpanda Fusion is designed for traders seeking the best execution on crypto trades through real-time order book aggregation. By connecting to the largest crypto exchanges and liquidity providers, Fusion enables access to the most competitive prices all on one platform.

Key Features

  1. Real-time Order Aggregation: Fusion consolidates data from multiple exchanges, allowing you to benefit from deep liquidity and market-leading prices
  2. Enhanced Order Types: From market and limit orders to advanced options like stop-limit and take-profit orders, Bitpanda Fusion supports all trading strategies
  3. No Deposit or Withdrawal Fees: Start trading immediately with zero fees on deposits and withdrawals via all supported payment options
  4. High-Security Standards: Your assets are stored safely, adhering to the highest regulatory standards across Europe


Note: Bitpanda Fusion is available only on desktop at this time. Be aware that while the platform aims for the best execution, crypto trades carry inherent risks, especially during market volatility. Ensure you understand each order type and associated risks.


Getting Started

  1. Login Using Existing Credentials: Use your Bitpanda login to access Fusion without creating a separate account.
  2. Explore Trading Pairs: Trade with the best liquidity across over 700 pairs in EUR, USD, CHF, and popular stablecoins.
  3. Upgrade Your Tier for Lower Fees: If you’re a VIP member on another exchange, submit proof to enjoy lower trading fees on Bitpanda Fusion.



What are the Bitpanda Fusion tier fees?
Fusion fees depend on your tier level.
For details, visit our fee structure page
What is the spread?

The spread is the difference between the market price and the price at which you buy or sell. It is measured in basis points (BPS), where 1 BPS = 0.01%.

What order types are available?
  • Limit order: Buys or sells at a specified price or better.
  • Market order: Buys or sells immediately at the best available price.
  • Stop limit order: This becomes a limit order when the market price reaches a specified level.
  • Stop market order: This becomes a market order when the market price reaches a specified level.
  • Take profit limit order: A limit order is triggered when the market price reaches a specified profit level.
Do I need to create a different Bitpanda account?

No, you can log into Bitpanda Fusion using your existing Bitpanda credentials.

What are maker and taker orders?
  • Taker orders: Fulfilled instantly, taking liquidity from the market.
  • Maker orders: Placed at a set price, adding liquidity until matched.
What is the minimum trade amount?

The minimum trade amount varies by asset and is displayed if the entered amount in the quantity field is too low. We are actively working on improvements to reduce the minimum trade amount in the future.

I can't access Bitpanda Fusion

Please note that Bitpanda Fusion is not available on smartphones. Therefore you need to use a laptop or PC to access Bitpanda Fusion. Furthermore, you might need to access Bitpanda Fusion via your Bitpanda Broker account to accept the newest terms & conditions before using it.

My orders are getting rejected

Exceeded limits: This error message appears when the entered quantity is higher than your available balance. Please note that this often happens when using the Max button, as it is adding the fees on top and therefore exceeding your available balance. Please manually enter a slightly lower quantity. We are already working on a solution for that.


For additional details on features, order types, or troubleshooting, please visit our Blog or contact our team.