Where can I find the Bitpanda bank transfer details?

In order to see the Bitpanda bank account details, please follow these steps:

Desktop Mobile App (Android) Mobile App (iOS)
  1. On your dashboard, click on Portfolio
  2. Click on Currencies
  3. Choose the specific fiat wallet corresponding to the currency you wish to deposit
  4. Click on Wallet details on the top right of the page (not available in USD wallet)

Here you can now see our bank details.

Tip: You can also download the bank details as a PDF.

Note: Always include the provided Payment reference in the reference field of your bank transfer. If you have forgotten to include, or used the wrong Payment reference, please have a look at this article for further information.


To credit the desired amount to your fiat wallet, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your online bank account
  2. Make a transfer from a bank account in your name, in the selected currency, using the provided details
  3. Your money will be deposited within 1-3 working days

Tip: If you send a different amount than what you specified in the deposit process, this will not be a problem. The latter amount, which you have specified in the bank transfer, will be credited to your fiat wallet as long as it is within the deposit limits.

Tip: To deposit funds with a new credit card, simply follow the deposit flow using your personal Bitpanda account and enter your data correctly. An additional check might be needed before the transaction can be approved. In such cases, you will receive an email with instructions to send us a photo of the credit card used for your deposit next to your identity card or passport.