In order to see the Bitpanda bank account details, please follow these steps:
- On your dashboard, click on Portfolio
- Click on Currencies
- Choose the specific fiat wallet corresponding to the currency you wish to deposit
- Click on Wallet details on the top right of the page (not available in USD wallet)
Here you can now see our bank details.
Tip: You can also download the bank details as a PDF.
- Tap on the Trade button
- Tap on Deposit
- Choose the specific fiat wallet corresponding to the currency you wish to deposit
- Select Bank transfer
- Enter the amount you want to deposit and tap on Continue
- After agreeing to the early fulfilment of the transaction and confirming that the payment method is yours, tap Deposit now
Here you can now see our bank details.
Tip: You can also download the bank details as a PDF.
- Tap on the Trade button
- Tap on Deposit
- Choose the specific fiat wallet corresponding to the currency you wish to deposit
- Select Bank transfer
- Enter the amount you want to deposit and tap on Continue
- After agreeing to the early fulfilment of the transaction and confirming that the payment method is yours, tap Deposit now
Here you can now see our bank details.
Note: Always include the provided Payment reference in the reference field of your bank transfer. If you have forgotten to include, or used the wrong Payment reference, please have a look at this article for further information.
To credit the desired amount to your fiat wallet, follow these steps:
- Log into your online bank account
- Make a transfer from a bank account in your name, in the selected currency, using the provided details
- Your money will be deposited within 1-3 working days