With Bitpanda Metals we give you the ability to trade and swap gold, silver, palladium and platinum on Bitpanda just as easily as with cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
- How can I buy gold, silver, palladium and platinum?
- How does Bitpanda Metals work?
- If I hold metals on Bitpanda for a year, will I have to pay taxes?
- Swap precious metals with any other digital asset
- Set up savings plans for gold, silver, palladium and platinum
- Where is the vault and how does the storage work?
- Do I have to pay fees or premiums for precious metals?
- Frequently asked questions
Tip: Once the decision to include new metals has been made, our users and followers will be informed via our Bitpanda Blog, our newsletter and our social media channels.
How can I buy gold, silver, palladium and platinum?
To buy Bitpanda Metals, please follow the steps on how to buy cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
Tip: In order to buy, sell and swap our digitised gold, silver, palladium and platinum, you will need a verified Bitpanda account.
How does Bitpanda Metals work?
You can enjoy the same convenience Bitpanda offers for cryptocurrencies, now with Bitpanda Metals.
Bitpanda physically backs the metal tokens, which means that each token of gold, silver, palladium and platinum that you buy represents a certain amount of physical gold, silver, palladium or platinum that is safely stored by Brinks in a vault in Switzerland. When trading metal tokens on Bitpanda, the physical metals themselves remain inside their vault.
Tip: Tokens are denoted in gram (g), which means that one token equals one gram of gold, silver, palladium or platinum.
Tip: Please note that our charts for precious metals will not show any significant movements over the weekends due to the fact that gold, silver, palladium and platinum are part of traditional markets that partially halt trading over that time. On Bitpanda, however, you can still trade precious metals on weekends.
If I hold metals on Bitpanda for a year, will I have to pay taxes?
Metal tokens on Bitpanda can be sold tax-free after holding them for a time period of at least a year.
Note: This content has been prepared for informational purposes only, and does not constitute tax, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied upon as such. For specific tax-related questions, please contact a tax and financial advisor.
Swap precious metals with any other digital asset
Currently, Bitpanda offers gold, silver, palladium and platinum tokens. You can imagine it like any other digital asset we offer at the moment. This means that you can swap it to any digital asset, including other digitised precious metals.
Set up savings plans for gold, silver, palladium and platinum
With Bitpanda Savings, you can buy precious metals on a recurring and ongoing basis. You are free to set up as many savings plans as you wish. You may cancel your savings plans at any time or temporarily pause and resume them at a later point.
Where is the vault and how does the storage work?
We store all metals in a duty-free storage vault in Switzerland. For detailed information, please refer to our Bitpanda Blog article on how Bitpanda stores digitised metals.
Do I have to pay fees or premiums for precious metals?
Yes. You pay a premium when buying/selling precious metals.
For buying gold, the premium is 0.5% of the amount you buy and for selling gold, the premium is 1% of the amount you sell.
For silver, you pay a premium of 2.5% for buying and 2% for selling.
For palladium, you pay a premium of 2.2% for buying and 1.8% for selling.
For platinum, you pay a premium of 2.5% for buying and 2% for selling.
Frequently asked questions
Visit our Metals FAQ to find answers to all your questions and have a look at our Bitpanda Blog.
For additional information regarding Bitpanda Metals, please read our terms and conditions.