If you are wondering why a transaction has not been completed, please first check:
- If you have confirmed your transaction via the confirmation email sent to you
- If the asset is in trade only mode or in maintenance
Withdrawals blocked or disabled
If your cryptocurrency or fiat transactions are blocked or disabled, this could be due to one or more of the following reasons:
- If you have just recently created and verified your account, transactions might temporarily be deactivated until you respond to the email we have sent to you
- You have a pending proof of funds (PoF) case (if we do not receive the supporting documents from you within the first seven days after the case has been opened, transactions will be blocked). Please check your inbox (including spam folders) to see whether you have received a PoF request from us
- Your withdrawals might have been disabled for security reasons
In all of the above cases, you should already have received an email from us with information on how to proceed. Please check your inbox (including spam folders) and do not hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance after checking the above.