Note: Some of the links below are from external providers. These links are provided for your convenience and for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation by Bitpanda of any of the products, services or opinions of these third parties. Bitpanda bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of any subsequent links. Please contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
Ledger hardware wallet
Tip: Check out the list of the cryptocurrencies and tokens supported by the Hardware Wallet Ledger Nano S.
Can you see your transaction on the Blockchain Explorer?
- If yes, then please contact the Ledger support team with the link of the Blockchain Explorer transaction and explain your case to them
- If not, have a look at why a cryptocurrency wallet may be temporarily unavailable and what to do if your cryptocurrency deposit or withdrawal is not completed
- If you cannot see the Ledger Hardware transaction on the blockchain, please check the synchronisation of your Ledger Wallet with the blockchain network
If you still have troubles, visit the Ledger support section, or contact them directly.
Note: Problems with your hardware wallet fall outside of the scope of our support. If you have any questions about your Hardware Wallet, please contact the wallet provider directly.
Bitcoin Cash CashAddr Format
Note: Ledger Wallets do not support CashAddr at the moment (latest update: 06.02.2019). All CashAddr formats need to be converted into Legacy format. Since Bitpanda uses the CashAddr format, you will get an error message when entering the CashAddr address directly from Bitpanda.
Here is the link to the Ledger Helpdesk article.
Trezor hardware wallet
Tip: Check out the list of the cryptocurrencies and tokens supported by Trezor.
Can you see your transaction on the Blockchain Explorer?
- If yes, then please contact the Trezor support team with the link of the Blockchain Explorer transaction and explain your case to them
- If not, pay attention on why a cryptocurrency wallet may be temporarily unavailable and what to do if your cryptocurrency deposit or withdrawal is not completed
Note: Problems with your hardware wallet fall outside of the scope of our support. If you have any questions about your Hardware Wallet, please contact the wallet provider directly.
Other hardware wallets
Problems with your hardware wallet fall outside of the scope of our support. If you have any questions about your hardware wallet, please contact the wallet provider directly.