To whitelist the Bitpanda email address in the most commonly used email providers, please follow the steps below.
Gmail and Google Mail
- Log in to Gmail
- Click the Settings icon (gear icon) in the upper right corner of Gmail and select Settings
- Click on the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab
- Click on Create new filter. If you already have multiple addresses added, you will find this option at the very bottom of the page
- In the form field type our email address: and In case you’d like to whitelist all email addresses from Bitpanda, simply type
- Click on Create filter to apply the desired filter
- You also have the option to tell Gmail what to do with Bitpanda emails. For example, you can choose “Never send to Spam”
- Log in to Yahoo
- Click the Settings icon (gear icon) in the upper right corner
- At the bottom of the menu click on More settings
- Click on Filters on the left-hand side
- Click on +Add new filters
- Now you can type in the name of the filter (e.g. Whitelist Bitpanda emails)
- Now under Set rules select From and select contains as the criterion for the filter
- Now you can type and to add them to the whitelist
Under Chose a folder to move to you can select the desired folder where all the email from Bitpanda will be sent to
- Click on Save
Outlook and Hotmail
- Open Outlook
- Click on the gear icon and select view all Outlook settings and under Mail select Junk email
- Click on Add
- Type in the Bitpanda email addresses and
- If you want to whitelist domains you can add to whitelist all Bitpanda emails
- Click on Save
- Log in to GMX
- Click on Settings on the bottom left
- Select Whitelist from the menu
- Enter the email addresses and or only the domain to add all Bitpanda email addresses to the whitelist
- Now click on Save
- Log in to Tutanota
- Click on Settings (gear icon) in the top right corner
- In the left menu click on General Settings
- Open the Spam rules menu with the SHOW button
- Click on the plus sign
- Enter the email addresses and or the Bitpanda domain to receive all emails from Bitpanda
- Click on Ok
- Log in to Protonmail
- From the top menu select Settings (gear icon)
- From the menu on the left select Filters
- Next to the option Whitelist click on Add filter
- Now enter the Bitpanda email addresses and to add them to the list
- Click on Save
- Log in to AOL
- In your email inbox click on Contacts on the left side
- Click on the user icon with a plus called New Contact next to the Compose button
- Add a name for the contact (e.g. Bitpanda) and add the email addresses you wish to whitelist: and
- To add multiple addresses click on +Another
- When you are done, click on Add Contact
- Log in to iCloud
- In iCloud Mail, click the Action pop-up menu (gear icon) in the sidebar, then choose Rules
- Click on Add Rule
- In the Name or email address field, either add the email addresses and or the domain
- Use the Then menu to set up the behaviour of the rule
- Click on Done
Since is German only, please see the German instructions.