How can I whitelist the Bitpanda email address?

To whitelist the Bitpanda email address in the most commonly used email providers, please follow the steps below.

Gmail and Google Mail

  1. Log in to Gmail
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear icon) in the upper right corner of Gmail and select Settings
  3. Click on the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab
  4. Click on Create new filter. If you already have multiple addresses added, you will find this option at the very bottom of the page
  5. In the form field type our email address: and In case you’d like to whitelist all email addresses from Bitpanda, simply type
  6. Click on Create filter to apply the desired filter
  7. You also have the option to tell Gmail what to do with Bitpanda emails. For example, you can choose “Never send to Spam”


  1. Log in to Yahoo
  2. Click the Settings icon (gear icon) in the upper right corner
  3. At the bottom of the menu click on More settings
  4. Click on Filters on the left-hand side
  5. Click on +Add new filters
  6. Now you can type in the name of the filter (e.g. Whitelist Bitpanda emails)
  7. Now under Set rules select From and select contains as the criterion for the filter
  8. Now you can type and to add them to the whitelist
  9. Under Chose a folder to move to you can select the desired folder where all the email from Bitpanda will be sent to
  10. Click on Save

Outlook and Hotmail

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click on the gear icon and select view all Outlook settings  and under Mail select Junk email
  3. Click on Add
  4. Type in the Bitpanda email addresses and
  5. If you want to whitelist domains you can add to whitelist all Bitpanda emails
  6. Click on Save


  1. Log in to GMX
  2. Click on Settings on the bottom left
  3. Select Whitelist from the menu
  4. Enter the email addresses and or only the domain to add all Bitpanda email addresses to the whitelist
  5. Now click on Save


  1. Log in to Tutanota
  2. Click on Settings (gear icon) in the top right corner
  3. In the left menu click on General Settings
  4. Open the Spam rules menu with the SHOW button
  5. Click on the plus sign
  6. Enter the email addresses and or the Bitpanda domain to receive all emails from Bitpanda
  7. Click on Ok


  1. Log in to Protonmail
  2. From the top menu select Settings (gear icon)
  3. From the menu on the left select Filters
  4. Next to the option Whitelist click on Add filter
  5. Now enter the Bitpanda email addresses and to add them to the list
  6. Click on Save


  1. Log in to AOL
  2. In your email inbox click on Contacts on the left side
  3. Click on the user icon with a plus called New Contact next to the Compose button
  4. Add a name for the contact (e.g. Bitpanda) and add the email addresses you wish to whitelist: and
  5. To add multiple addresses click on +Another
  6. When you are done, click on Add Contact


  1. Log in to iCloud
  2. In iCloud Mail, click the Action pop-up menu (gear icon) in the sidebar, then choose Rules
  3. Click on Add Rule
  4. In the Name or email address field, either add the email addresses and or the domain
  5. Use the Then menu to set up the behaviour of the rule
  6. Click on Done


Since is German only, please see the German instructions.