Login issues

If you have problems logging in to your Bitpanda account, there may be several reasons.


If solving the reCAPTCHA images does not work when you log in, please look at this article:

I have problems with the reCAPTCHA from Google during login

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

If your two-factor authentication (2FA) does not work or you need to reset it, see here what to do:

How do I reset my two-factor Authentication (2FA)?

New device or browser

If you log in to a new device or browser, you will receive an email with instructions to confirm the login. If you have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on your Bitpanda account, you will have to confirm the new device or browser with 2FA authentication. Otherwise, you will have to confirm the new device or browser with a one-time SMS code. Please note that you will only receive a one-time SMS code in this case, not when logging in to a device or browser that you have logged in to previously.

Should you have problems logging in to a new browser or device:

New device or browser login

Forgot password or PIN

If you can not remember your password or PIN anymore:

Forgot your password or PIN?

Confirmation email not received

You have just created an account but did not receive the confirmation email? Please make sure you have entered the correct email address and resend the confirmation email.

Forgot email address

You forgot which email address you used to register at Bitpanda?

I forgot my registered email address for my Bitpanda account

Account inactive

If you get the error message "Account is inactive" when logging in, please contact us. We will then find a solution with you as soon as possible.

We deactivate accounts for the security of our users and ourselves. This may be the case, for example, if you have created a second account on Bitpanda, which is not allowed. Please refer to section 6.1 of our terms and conditions to learn more about our double account policy.

Please keep in mind that you will not receive any notification regarding account deactivation due to legal reasons. Bitpanda also reserves the right to lock and/or freeze and/or close accounts without further notice, in cases cited in section 12.2 of our terms and conditions.

Note: If you have already created a second account, please contact us from your registered email address using our contact form and let us know which email address and phone number you want to use in the future for your Bitpanda account.

What will happen to my funds?

It depends on the case, but it is never in our interest to keep user funds and we will always check for legal solutions so that you can regain access to your funds as soon as possible. There is no benefit to Bitpanda in locking user funds and Bitpanda will only do so when it is absolutely necessary.

 For more information, please check section 6.1 of our terms and conditions.

"Rate limit" error message

If you receive the error message "rate limit", please wait 60 minutes and the error message should disappear automatically disappear. Additionally, please only try to login with one device.

Other solutions

If, after going through all the above-mentioned solutions, the issue still persists, please make sure to check the following points:

  • Try it with a different browser (i.e. Chrome) and device. We do not support Microsoft Edge
  • Disable any browser plug-ins (like AdBlock etc.)
  • Make sure you are using the right link or app to log in: On the Web App please enter your email address and password at https://web.bitpanda.com/user/login. On the Mobile App please enter your email address and password on the login screen
  • Activate cookies
  • Make sure your Bitpanda App or browser is up to date to the latest version
  • Activate pop-ups
  • Do you have any autofill options enabled? If so try disabling it, maybe wrong login credentials are saved
  • Try to delete the local storage and the browser data
  • Disable private/incognito mode of your browser

Note: Please note that using a VPN might affect some of our services' functions.